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Letter From the President

Tala Abu Khalaf 
President of the General Assemblies

Hello delegates,


My name is Tala Abukhalaf, the Secretary General of last year’s AsriyyaMUN and this year I am returning as the President of the GA’s.




It is with great pleasure I welcome you all to the General Assemblies, for they are committees that provide a precious opportunity for the youth to communicate, to argue, to debate, while offering an excellent platform to cultivate the abilities of communication, consultation, cooperation and compromise. 




As members of these distinguished committees, you will work together to find solutions to improve policies and relations around the world so that everyone can lead lives that are safer, more prosperous and more fulfilling. 




Delegates, I urge you all to give your best, to achieve the vision you are aiming for and mostly, remember to embrace what you will learn by making mistakes! 




Can’t wait to meet each and every one of you!


The question of European countries exploitations of resources in Africa.

Study sheet


The question of protecting the rights of refugee children.

Study sheet

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