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Letter From The Secretary General

Secretary General
Leith Al Jawhari 

Dear Delegates,

I am delighted to welcome you all to the 13th annual Asriyya Model United Nations. As Secretary General of this esteemed conference, I am honoured to host you all at the Landmark Hotel and to observe your contributions to this year's discourse.


AsriyyaMUN’24 promises to be a one-of-a-kind and exciting conference bringing together bright minds from all over. I believe that through participating, you will get vital insights into the workings of the United Nations, hone your diplomatic skills, and meet new friends from all backgrounds and cultures. Throughout the conference, you will have the chance to engage in a number of debates and conversations addressing some of the most significant issues concerning our world in this day and age.

AsriyyaMUN is a conference born in Amman, a city known for its rich cultural legacy, kind hospitality, and vibrant social life. Our team has worked hard to translate that character to our conference and ensure that your time with us is memorable and pleasant.


I encourage you to take advantage of this truly unique and memorable opportunity; come prepared to participate in your committee’s debate and to interact with your fellow delegates, and of course to contribute to the success of AsriyyaMUN’24. Let us work together to make the world a more peaceful, prosperous, and just place.


I can’t wait to meet you all and have the opportunity to observe your bright minds at work.



Leith Al Jawhari 

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