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Letter From the President

Maya Fahoum
President of the International Criminal Court

Dear judges and advocates of the International Criminal Court ,


My name is Maya Al Fahoum, a senior at Al Asriyya as well as this years Head of Training. It is my upmost pleasure to welcome you to AsriyyaMUN’24! Our 13th annual conference. And I am more than honored to be presiding over  the court, which is considered to be the most prestigious forum in MUN.


I never get tried of sharing with other delegates that courts are much more challenging, competitive and intriguing(totally unbiased opinion), you subconsciously feel so enthusiastic. Although, keep in mind being well researched plays a huge role in your experience.


The ICC is entirely different than all other committees. Instead of tackling global issues, writing resolution papers and debating them.. We hold individuals accountable for their actions. And as for the ICC, it is not based on the UN charter, rather the Rome statute.


Over the 3 conference days, advocates you should be presenting a list of stipulations, evidences and 3 witnesses supporting your case whether you are prosecuting or defending. Judges be prepared to widely open your ears and take all the notes you need so you can finally come up with a fair verdict.


Looking forward to watch you all take part in a heated debate and i am sure both sides have strong arguments that will not keep any hidden agendas uncovered. 

Good luck to you all, i’m eager to see what you’ll bring to the table!


The case of Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini.

Study sheet

The Trial of Hissène Habré.

Study sheet


The trial of President Joe Biden.

Study sheet

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